Ph.D. 程序

Ph值.D. 历史学位在美国开设, 中世纪的, 近代早期欧洲人, 现代欧洲(包括英国/爱尔兰/大英帝国), 亚洲, 和中东历史. 我们也提供非洲和拉丁美洲历史的课程.

在全日制学习的第一学期, 博士生选择一位指导教师, who oversees the student's progress in preparing for comprehensive exams and in developing a dissertation topic.

Ph值.D. 是电子游戏正规平台型学位,需要特殊的承诺和技能. While the degree is not granted for routine adherence to certain regulations, 或者成功完成指定数量的课程, 有一些基本的要求.



在读博士的学生.D. 项目必须完成至少39个学分(13门课程). Thirty-six credits must be completed before the oral comprehensive exam. 所有在读博士的学生.D. 项目要求第一年进行全日制学习. Students must take at least one seminar in each of their first two years and at least three colloquia (the Introduction to Doctoral Studies, 一个在主要地区, 还有一门辅修课)在综合考试前.

Only history courses numbered 4000 or above count towards the doctoral requirements. In the first year, 学生 take three courses per semester; in the second, two courses per semester. 第三年, 学生们在秋季选修两门课程, 完成他们的综合考试, 然后在春天参加论文研讨会. 到第三年结束时,博士.D. 学生必须修满全部39个学分. 论文提案签署并归档后, 学生 officially enter into doctoral candidacy (informally known as All But Dissertation or ABD).


每学年开始的时候, 学生 meet with the 导演 of 电子游戏正规平台生 Studies to go over their plan of study, which is a schedule of courses that will prepare 学生 for the comprehensive examination. For the comprehensive exam 学生 must prepare three areas of concentration or fields, 通常是两个大调和一个小调. In exceptional circumstances 学生 may pick four areas of concentration, two major and two minor. 对于每个集中的区域, 学生必须指定一名教员作为主考官.

In consultation with the examiner for each area 学生 develop a reading list of important books and articles. Most faculty members require 学生 to undertake formal coursework in preparation for the comprehensive exam. 经指导老师和电子游戏正规平台生院院长同意, 学生 may offer for their minor field a discipline related to history or a historical topic that cuts across traditional geographical or chronological boundaries. 如果有必要的话, the department may require advanced-level study in a related discipline, 作为次要领域或补充工作. This plan of study may be reviewed, evaluated and revised as necessary. However, changes must be approved by the faculty advisor and the 导演 of 电子游戏正规平台生 Studies.



  • 早期的美国
  • U.S. to 1877
  • U.S. 自1860年以来
  • 城市
  • 比赛
  • 环境
  • 宗教
  • 政治 
  • 外交政策
  • 性别与性


  • 拉丁美洲殖民地
  • 现代拉丁美洲


  • 中世纪早期
  • 中世纪晚期


  • 知识文化
  • 宗教
  • 性别与妇女


  • 现代欧洲
  • 当代欧洲
  • 知识文化
  • 帝国主义
  • 现代德国
  • 现代爱尔兰


  • 日本
  • 中东
  • 印度和南亚
  • 东亚


  • 全球
  • 帝国主义
  • 大西洋世界


语言要求是特定于博士学位.D. 考生的主要学习领域. 中世纪的ists must pass three language exams, one of which must be in Latin. US historians must pass one language exam (beginning with the class entering in the fall of 2021). In all other fields (Europe, 亚洲, Africa, Latin America, 中东), Ph.D. 考生必须通过两门语言考试. Students will pass one language exam during the first year in the program, 第二个(和第三个), (如适用)参加口试前的综合考试. Students may substitute competency in a field of particular methodological or theoretical relevance to their program of study for competency in a second foreign language. 这样做, 学生 must petition the 电子游戏正规平台生 Committee and explain the nature of the field and its importance to the plan of study, 特别是论文. 在该领域所做的工作必须记录在案. The student’s faculty advisor is responsible for certifying that the student has satisfactorily acquired the appropriate skills and knowledge.


口腔综合检查Ph值.D. 学生 is conducted by an examining board composed of three faculty members, 两份来自学生主修领域,一份来自副修领域. (Students preparing four areas will be examined by four faculty members.) A written examination may be substituted for an oral exam at the discretion of the student and the examining board.

Students must take their oral comprehensive exam before the start of the spring semester in their third year of study. 为综合考试做准备, 学生 select three areas for study and complete the necessary coursework for those areas. They must ask three different faculty members to serve as examiners and in consultation with the faculty prepare a reading list for each area. Students are advised to constitute their orals committee by the end of their second year so that they can prepare for orals during the summer before their third year. Each student is responsible for setting an exam date and time in consultation with the faculty examiners. 做完这些之后, student should contact the 电子游戏正规平台生 Assistant who will reserve a room and prepare the necessary paperwork. 考试本身将持续两个小时, and each professor will have a chance to ask a number of questions regarding their field.


在第三年的春季学期, 学生 enroll in the dissertation seminar in which they draft a dissertation proposal. 提案是论文问题的概述, 电子游戏正规平台议程, 方法, 可能的来源基础, 相关史学, 还有电子游戏正规平台和写作的时间表. The proposal will be graded by the faculty member teaching the dissertation seminar. 在这学期, 学生还应该组建一个论文委员会, 他们的学术顾问通常由谁组成, 谁将担任主席和其他至少两名教员. With the permission of their advisor and the 导演 of 电子游戏正规平台生 Studies, 学生可以从系外选择委员会成员. The proposal must be approved by the student’s dissertation committee. The proposal and the signed proposal approval form must be submitted to the 电子游戏正规平台生 Assistant who will add it to the student’s file.


在获得博士候选人资格时, 学生电子游戏正规平台并撰写论文, which is an original contribution to knowledge based on extensive primary and secondary research. The completed dissertation must be approved by a committee of three readers - the faculty advisor and two other faculty members - and approved by the 导演 of 电子游戏正规平台生 Studies. 它还必须在公开口头辩护中进行辩护.

Ph.D. 配售





















博士学位的申请截止日期.D. 计划是1月2日. GRE普通考试成绩的提交是可选的. 启动应用程序, please visit the 电子游戏软件 page of the 莫里西文理学院.


An internship program through BC's Institute for the Liberal Arts supports career exploration for Ph.D. 学生.
