The objectives of 电子游戏软件's compensation system are to attract and retain qualified individuals and to motivate them to perform at a high level. 为了实现这些目标, the Department of 人力资源 conducts an ongoing assessment of relevant external markets for various occupational groups and establishes pay practices for 电子游戏软件 that reflect a competitive position in those markets. 就个人而言, 薪金将反映资历, 技能, 表演, 以及在合适的就业市场上的竞争力.




The 电子游戏软件 compensation program uses a classification system in which each job is reviewed based on information provided in a role description. 对一份工作的分析考虑了诸如该领域的知识等要求, 解决问题, 组织的宽度, 问责制, 以及所需的技能和经验. This information is evaluated in the context of internal equity 以及在合适的就业市场上的竞争力.

基于这一分析的结果, 每个职位分配一个适当的市场参考点(MRP)和波段水平. 加班补偿资格也是根据公平劳动基准法确定的, 一项联邦法律,规定了什么类型的职位没有资格获得加班费(豁免职位). 在电子游戏软件, 所有非豁免职位都按周计发工资, 而且几乎所有的免税员工都是按月发工资的.

The job classification process is initiated for the creation of a new position or a significant change (increase or decrease) in the key responsibilities of a position. 一个主管, 或者是与上级协商后的员工, may request reevaluation of a position by contacting a member of the 补偿 staff in the Department of 人力资源.




《电子游戏正规平台》规定,某些工人有资格获得加班费. The following terminology is used to distinguish workers who may receive overtime pay from those who may not:

  • 免除 refers to those employees whose duties and responsibilities make them exempt from overtime compensation 根据该法案的定义. 在电子游戏软件,几乎所有获得豁免的员工都是按月发薪的.
  • 非免税 指那些工作的员工, 根据该法案的定义, 使他们有资格获得加班费. 在电子游戏软件,非豁免雇员按周或小时计酬.

有关更多信息,请参阅 工作时间 员工手册中的章节.


非免税 staff are eligible for payment for extra hours worked at the request of the supervisor at times when workloads or unusual circumstances make it necessary. 只要有可能, the extra hours will be offset by allowing the employee an equivalent number of hours off during the same pay period, 这样每周的总工作时间就不会超过40小时. 额外/加班时间的“补偿时间”不允许结转到随后的几周. Extra hours worked between 35 and 40 per week are compensated at the regular hourly rate; overtime hours beyond 40 in a week are compensated at one and one-half times the regular rate.


当非豁免员工在假期工作时, 他/她将按正常标准领取假期工资, 加上加班费,加班费是正常工资的1.5倍. This guideline applies regardless of the number of hours the employee works during the work week in which the holiday occurs. Essential employees (as designated by management) who work during a University-declared emergency closing or early release will be similarly compensated.

只要有可能, compensation for work performed on a holiday or during an emergency closing will be made through the provision of compensatory time, 是工作时间的1.5倍, 在合理的时间内,最好在同一周内.


所有小时工的工作时间, 以及周薪员工加班的时间, is entered by inputting start and stop times into the University Kronos time collection system by the individual employee or the designated departmental Kronos approver. 在正常的一周内, 所有挣得的时间必须不迟于当周的星期六, 正式的克罗诺斯批准程序定于下周一中午进行. 当假期发生在工作周期间, 审批截止日期可能会改变, 人力资源服务中心(HRSC)将通过电子邮件通知各部门.



The 表演 of new employees is reviewed at the end of the official probationary period; that is, 豁免雇员工作满6个月,非豁免雇员工作满4个月. Probationary reviews provide an opportunity for the supervisor and the employee to determine the appropriateness of continued employment for the employee and to discuss 表演 and areas for further development.

免除 employees hired between December 2 and May 31 and nonexempt employees hired between February 1 and May 31 are not eligible for the annual merit review. 相反,他们有资格在试用期审查的同时获得加薪.



所有员工每年都有资格接受绩效评估. 例外情况可能包括临时工, externally funded positions and those who have not completed the new-hire probationary period as described in the "试用评估" section above.

The purpose of the merit review is to provide an opportunity for employee and supervisor to discuss the employee's 表演 over the past year in the context of the employee's position responsibilities and the objectives of the department or work unit. 年度绩效考核是提供加薪的机会,以奖励表现良好的员工. 增量反映了最近的经济状况和市场, 视乎大学的资源而定.

主管需要为每位员工完成一份书面绩效评估, 配合大学的绩效管理系统, 并安排时间与员工讨论评估. 每位员工都有机会以书面形式对评估作出回应. The supervisor's appraisal and the employee's response both become a permanent part of the employee's personnel file in the Department of 人力资源.



人力资源服务中心负责处理和分发所有的工资支票. 关于薪水的问题, 减税, 本节所述的程序应直接到100室的人力资源服务中心办理, 湖街129号.



新员工必须填写,一经录用,所有适当的工资单,个人资料,和纳税表格. 表格可以在上班第一天或之前在人力资源服务中心填写. 除非填妥所有必需的表格,否则无法处理付款, 包括下面描述的I-9表格.




所有新雇员都必须遵守1986年《电子游戏软件》的规定, 规定只有美国公民, 永久居民外国人, 被授权在美国工作的外国人也可以被雇用. 因此, 每个新雇员必须提供身份证明和工作资格作为雇佣条件. The I-9 form satisfying this requirement must be completed at the HR Service Center within the first three days of work.

Employees who are not United States citizens must provide the HR Service Center with a copy of their visa and Social Security card. 如果一个人没有社会安全号码, he/she must apply for one and provide a copy of the application to the HR Service Center when the I-9 form is completed.



Members of the professional/administrative staff are paid in the middle of the month (usually the 16th) for that calendar month. New employees who begin working in the middle of a month and who miss that month's pay cycle will be paid in full on the next monthly pay cycle.

所有其他员工在每周的最后一个工作日支付前一周的工作报酬. 对于必须报告工作时间才能领取工资的员工, 每周工作时间必须在上午10点前提交给人力资源服务中心.m. 下个星期五付款. 当假期发生在一周结束时, 工作时数必须在该星期的最后一个工作日提交. 对于使用克罗诺斯时间收集系统的员工, time must be approved by the work department and transmitted to the HR Service Center Time Keeper by noon on Monday following the work week.



The required method of pay distribution at 电子游戏软件 is direct deposit to an employee's checking or savings account. 几乎任何银行或信用合作社都可以使用. New employees must complete a Direct Deposit authorization (part of the Personal Data Form) and submit it to the HR Service Center in Room 100, 湖街129号. 支票帐户, a voided check must be included with the authorization form; for savings accounts, 申请人须填写一份由银行代表填写的“储蓄直接存款表格”.



目前, pay advices for employees on the weekly payroll are picked up and distributed by building or department representatives on each payday. 给每月发工资的员工的工资建议会寄到他们的家庭住址. (注:在线支付建议将逐步取代纸质支付建议.)

Employees are responsible for verifying that direct-deposit amounts have been credited to their accounts on payday.


薪酬建议包括总收入、净收入和所有扣除项目. 所需的工资扣除包括联邦所得税, 州所得税, 社会保障(OASDI)和医疗保险(HI)税. 自愿扣除可以在个人基础上安排.