Care for the Whole 专业

We enact the Jesuit value of “cura personalis” to create a restorative space for professionals to better flourish. We look forward to caring for you, so you may better care for others.



We welcome anyone interested in self-care, growth, or renewal.


Online and on-campus options available.
Take indvidual workshops or complete a series.

电子游戏正规平台 & 实用

Our facilitators focus on actionable change.


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Burnout And Rejuvenation: Inner Balance For Mental Health Clinicians

Mental health care professionals (psychologists, 咨询师, 社会工作者, and many others) often work in an environment that leads to “burnout.” This includes  high-level intensity, time constraints, competing demands, lack of control over the work process, and sometimes conflicting roles and relationships with leadership. The recent pandemic has additionally increased the intensity of helplessness, sense of inefficiency, and inability to shut off the therapeutic role. Focusing on other people’s problems can lead mental health providers to lose track of their own personal well-being and that of their families.


Erika Prijatelj and Tone Stevelj
Online Workshop Series
Inquire for more information!

Mental health care professionals (psychologists, 辅导员, 社会工作者, and many others) often work in an environment that leads to “burnout.” 

Sustaining Lives of Meaning and Purpose in the Healthcare Industry

This new 24-hour retreat builds on 电子游戏软件’s established expertise in formative programs by bringing experts in nursing, 神学, 哲学, 教育, 心理学, and social work to lead a cohort of twenty-five healthcare workers in sustained reflection about vocation, 意义, and purpose in their lives.

David Goodman, 埃里克•欧文斯, 凯瑞克罗宁, Kate Jackson-Meyer, 安德里亚维克尼, Colleen Simonelli, 凯瑟琳·E. Gregory

This new 24-hour retreat builds on 电子游戏软件’s established expertise in formative programs by bringing experts in nursing, 神学, 哲学, 教育, 心理学, and social work to lead a cohort of twenty-five healthcare workers in sustained reflection about vocation, 意义, and purpose in their lives.

Healthcare professionals at all stages of their careers who are seeking to affirm or find 意义 and purpose in their work; intergenerational mentoring and solidarity will be a key component of the program. Healthcare and social work professionals who work in primary care, critical/acute care, 姑息治疗, 临终关怀, and work with victims of trauma would especially benefit from this opportunity. 电子游戏软件 alumni are especially encouraged to participate, in order to reconnect with the formative 教育 they received on campus.
Workshop 1: Overcoming Distractibility

Workshop Description

The sources of burnout are many and varied such as: lack of control, 不公平, 超负荷工作, breakdown of community, 失去意义, 等. Being well equipped to successfully handle these storms in our personal and/or professional life is key. In this multi-day workshop series, we will explore and work on the four cornerstones of our well-being: focus, positive self-talk, 连接, 和意义. Our approach to this topic also includes an infusion of Ignatian spirituality. Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshops, however, there is no requirement to do so.

Erika Prijatelj and Tone Stevelj
Online Workshop
Inquire for more information!

Staying focused in the era of digital distractions is a challenge that faces us all. Both distraction and post-distraction prevent us from being present to ourselves, 给别人, and from having a satisfying life.

Organizational Learners
Workshop 2: Cultivating Positive Self-Talk

Workshop Description

The sources of burnout are many and varied such as: lack of control, 不公平, 超负荷工作, breakdown of community, 失去意义, 等. Being well equipped to successfully handle these storms in our personal and/or professional life is key. In this multi-day workshop series, we will explore and work on the four cornerstones of our well-being: focus, positive self-talk, 连接, 和意义. Our approach to this topic also includes an infusion of Ignatian spirituality. Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshops, however, there is no requirement to do so.

Erika Prijatelj and Tone Stevelj
Online Workshop
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Consistent negative self-talk can lead to unnecessary tension and 焦虑 in addition to shame and 抑郁症. Instead of falling victim to it, we can learn how to change our way of thinking, reframe situations, and create ‘new positive programs’ in our brains. 

Organizational Learners
Workshop 3: Moving from Loneliness to Connection

Workshop Description

The sources of burnout are many and varied such as: lack of control, 不公平, 超负荷工作, breakdown of community, 失去意义, 等. Being well equipped to successfully handle these storms in our personal and/or professional life is key. In this multi-day workshop series, we will explore and work on the four cornerstones of our well-being: focus, positive self-talk, 连接, 和意义. Our approach to this topic also includes an infusion of Ignatian spirituality. Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshops, however, there is no requirement to do so.

Erika Prijatelj and Tone Stevelj
Online Workshop
Inquire for more information!

Loneliness is a serious risk factor for assorted health problems, 早死, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 和成瘾. 在我们的车间, we will look at the different faces of loneliness and focus on creative paths to connecting.

Organizational Learners
Workshop 4: Deepening Life Meaning and Purpose

Workshop Description

The sources of burnout are many and varied such as: lack of control, 不公平, 超负荷工作, breakdown of community, 失去意义, 等. Being well equipped to successfully handle these storms in our personal and/or professional life is key. In this multi-day workshop series, we will explore and work on the four cornerstones of our well-being: focus, positive self-talk, 连接, 和意义. Our approach to this topic also includes an infusion of Ignatian spirituality. Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshops, however, there is no requirement to do so.

Erika Prijatelj and Tone Stevelj
Online Workshop
Inquire for more information!

It is easy to live life as it comes (and goes); it is an art to appreciate and savor the precious gift of everyday. This workshop will help us explore and deepen our purpose 和意义, which will help open us to a new personal and spiritual integration.