

任务 & 愿景


The 罗氏天主教教育中心 forms educators who are agents of change, working as a community to build excellent and equitable Catholic PreK-12 schools. 


关注当下,把我们的信念作为力量和支撑的源泉, the Roche Center team will accompany educators and leaders to reinvigorate, 振兴, 并为天主教学校和社区注入新的活力,致力于把学生培养成一个完整的人,建立一个社会公正和公平的世界.


动画的信念 & 核心价值观


Drawing on our Catholic and Ignatian traditions, the following beliefs animate the work of the 罗氏天主教教育中心:

We believe education is about forming the heart, mind, and soul. In Ignatian spirituality, attention to holistic formation is known as the 看台personalis,或“关心整个人”.“认识到个人不仅仅是他们的思想,我们的课程是围绕他们设计的 电子游戏软件的三角队形, 我们关注精神世界, 公共, and intellectual dimensions of formation, with specific attention to the unique gifts and vocation of the Catholic educator.

我们为魔法师而奋斗. 魔法师 翻译过来就是“更多”,” signifying that we strive for excellence in all we do, and recognizing that all we do is for the greater glory of God. 

我们是旅途上的伙伴. We accompany others on the journey of life, sharing our gifts and honoring the talents of others, 同时追求公平正义. 就像我们对别人来说是女人和男人一样, we do this with special attention to the needs of the poor and marginalized. 

我们在一切事物中看到上帝. A tenet of Ignatian spirituality is the understanding that God is in all things, 从难以置信的千载难逢的机会到看似平凡的日常生活. 我们把我们的事工看作是专注于圣灵的运动和方向的实践.

We are committed to bringing about a socially just and equitable world. We form and educate persons as agents of change who engage in critical thought, dialogue on moral and ethical issues, and contribute to excellence and equity in Catholic education.



在依纳爵的适应性传统中被塑造意味着我们愿意让上帝塑造和改变我们. Through curiosity and genuine interest in others, we become open to new ways of seeing, 理解和行动. 适应能力要求我们在当下面对上帝的活动,这样我们就能以创造性的、与情况一致的方式作出反应, while also being compassionate and constructive. When we understand that God’s activity permeates the present moment, 我们能够放弃固执,这种固执常常剥夺我们自己和他人探索的机会, 改变和成长.

在依纳爵的专注传统中形成,意味着我们对自己内心的运动保持警惕. 在反射, we become aware of the unique ways in which God is loving us, including how God communicates with and through our lives and unique situations. 这也意味着我们也与上帝爱他人的方式相协调,并通过他们的生活和世界的活动来工作. 细心的ness is a habit of the heart that helps us see God in all things, and that helps us detect God’s fingerprints as we walk through the world.

在依纳爵的视觉传统中形成,意味着我们渴望像上帝一样去看. Aware that our own perspective is much narrower 和更多的 limiting than God’s, we ask for the corrective lenses of grace to see ourselves, others and the world in new and enriching ways. While the process can feel dizzying and disorienting, 我们相信上帝完美的愿景——我们渴望成为我们自己的愿景——会让我们看得更清楚, 广泛和包容.

在依纳爵的谦卑传统中形成,意味着我们承认在上帝面前我们是美丽的马赛克和整体. This includes our talents and tendencies as well as our limitations and lack, and how we love and live in the world. Humility does not demand that we ‘shrink’ to become less than we are; rather it challenges us to recognize that all we are and all we have, as well as who we are becoming is wholly dependent on God. 是所有其他美德的基础, 谦卑让我们承认我们不能独自生活,我们需要上帝和他人——不仅仅是为了生活, 但是要想茁壮成长. 真正的谦卑总是释放的,因为它给神留下空间和责任.

在依纳爵的喜乐传统中成长,意味着我们关注内心的情绪和感受,因为我们所经历的喜乐和平安,是上帝对我们的愿望的良好指示. 虽然快乐是短暂的,可以随着事件或互动而波动,但快乐是稳定的. It lingers long after happiness has come and gone, and it urges us to stay the course in difficult times. Joy is the subtle constant that reminds us that fear, 暴力, destruction and death do not have the final word.




Established by the 电子游戏软件 Board of Trustees in 2007, 林奇教育与人类发展学院的芭芭拉和帕特里克罗奇天主教教育中心建立在半个多世纪的电子游戏正规平台基础上, 教学, and outreach related to Catholic schools at 电子游戏软件. 它带来了一个旗帜下的战略举措,为天主教教育的未来发展充满活力和振兴的模式,作为希望的使徒.


2010年3月, 电子游戏软件的老朋友, 芭芭拉和帕特里克·罗奇51年, H ’01, donated a $20 million endowment to the Center for Catholic Education, 后来以他们的名字命名. 帕特里克·E. 罗氏是罗氏兄弟超市的联合创始人,于2012年5月27日去世,享年83岁. 这对夫妇说,他们之所以做出这一变革性的捐赠,是因为天主教教育对他们的生活产生了如此深远的影响, 先生. Roche was a graduate of 电子游戏软件. "Catholic education was a great gift in my life,” said the late Patrick Roche. “当芭芭拉和我看到许多天主教学校关闭时,我们想做点什么. BC gave us an opportunity to do so through this Center."

Headquartered in Mansfield, Roche Bros. has 20 Massachusetts locations, from Acton to Cape Cod. 芭芭拉和帕特里克·罗奇是波士顿本地人,也是天主教教育的热心支持者. The Roches are noted philanthropists to worthy causes, including Catholic and public education, the Annual Appeal of the Archdiocese of Boston, 美国爱尔兰基金, 食品分发处, 长者援助计划, 和更多的. At BC, they established the 帕特里克·E. 和芭芭拉A. 罗氏奖学金基金为有经济需要的有才华的学生提供奖学金,芭芭拉A. 帕特里克·E. Roche Chair in Economics, an endowed professorship.




领导项目-罗氏中心承认,天主教学校的质量始于强有力的领导, which is why significant resources are dedicated to training, coaching and mentoring sitting and aspiring administrators. Great attention is devoted to the spiritual, intellectual and 公共 aspects of leadership, 为参与者提供必要的工具和资源,以创新的方式领导和解决21世纪全体儿童的需求.

Development of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Schools——随着美国在文化和语言上变得更加多样化, 罗氏中心通过授权天主教学校系统地从单语教育模式转变为多语教育模式,推进了天主教的卓越传统. The Two-Way Immersion Network for Catholic Schools (TWIN-CS), developed in 2013 by 电子游戏软件 faculty, supports 21 Catholic schools nationally. TWIN-CS以电子游戏正规平台为基础,得到了来自全国各地的双语专家的支持.

专业教育机会-与电子游戏软件和世界各地的专家和教育工作者合作, 罗氏中心全年提供创新的专业教育机会,以支持天主教学校教育工作者在培育的神圣工作. Within a supportive 公共 context, participants are invited to reflect not only on pedagogy, 而是对教导和培育作为基督徒职业的个人和属灵的理解. 专为教师设计, 课程提供方便, 然而,具有挑战性的内容,可以立即应用于文化和语言多样化的课堂环境.

罗氏中心电子游戏正规平台员-罗氏中心开展高质量的电子游戏正规平台,为天主教学校教育工作者面临的挑战提供基于问题的解决方案. 电子游戏正规平台 focuses area such as whole child education, equitable practices in Catholic schools, the emergence of the Hispanic demographic and impact on Catholic education, to governance shifts and how system level leaders respond. To support research efforts that advance Catholic education, 罗氏中心提供为期一学期和一年的奖学金来进行电子游戏正规平台, and advance practice in Catholic education. During their time with the Roche Center, fellows conduct research and publish scholarship on Catholic schools. 适当的, 电子游戏正规平台员与来自电子游戏软件各专业学校和中心的教职员工合作, 包括罗氏中心, the 林奇教育学院 and 人类发展, 卡罗尔管理学院, and the School of Theology and Ministry.