Major in Theology

神学专业的课程既有结构又有灵活性. Majors take a combination of essential, 神学系内外的必修课和选修课. 文理学院以外的学生也可以主修神学. 课程的设计与本科电子游戏正规平台主任和学生的神学指导老师协商. 神学专业的学生必须在两个方向中选择 Theology Major or Expanded Theology Major.

Theology Major

神学专业(30学时)相对来说是非结构化和灵活的, 很容易为神学学习的各种动机和目标量身定制,并适应学生学习该专业的不同途径和时间表. 它提供了神学的丰富和补充学生的BC教育, through the following requirements:

  1. Theology Core (2 courses; 6 credits)
  2. Majors Course: THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions (1 course; 3 credits)
  3. Majors Course: THEO2002 Trajectories in Contemporary Theology (1 course; 3 credits)
  4. Electives (6 courses; 18 credits)*

*其他学科(包括第一专业)的2门课程/6个学分也可以计入神学专业或扩展神学专业, 但须有足够的神学相关性,并由本科教务主任确定.

Expanded Theology Major

扩展神学专业(36学时)是为有兴趣进一步电子游戏正规平台神学或相关领域的学生设计的. Both structured and comprehensive, 它提供了一个学科的综合介绍和进一步电子游戏正规平台的广泛基础. 它在所有神学领域的分布要求, 它使学生接触到神学学科的整个广度. With increased credit hours and an optional thesis, 它既足够让学生专注于一个特定的子学科,又能展示神学的卓越.


Requirements with Standard Theology Core

  1. Theology Core (2 courses; 6 credits): Students must fulfill their normal Theology Core requirements with:
    • One semester of Christian Theology:
      • THEO1401 Engaging Catholicism
      • THEO1402 God, Self, and Society
      • 基督教神学指定的持久问题/复杂问题
    • 还有一学期的神圣文本和传统课程
      • THEO1430 Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue
      • THEO1431 Islam and Christianity in Dialogue
      • THEO1432 Hinduism and Christianity in Dialogue
      • THEO1433 Chinese Religions and Christianity in Dialogue
      • THEO1434 Judaism and Christianity in Dialogue
      • stt指定的持久问题/复杂问题,重点是比较神学.
        (注意:高级神学专业的学生可能无法通过THEO1420完成他们的STT核心要求, THEO1421, or THEO1422)
  2. Scripture Sequence (2 courses; 6 credits):
    • THEO1420 The Everlasting Covenant: The Hebrew Bible
    • THEO1421 Inscribing the Word: The New Testament
      Alternatively, 学生可以完成THEO1422神圣的一页:圣经和额外的圣经选修(II级或以上)与本科主任的批准.
  3. Majors Course: THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions (1 course; 3 credits)

  4. Majors Course: THEO2002 Trajectories in Contemporary Theology (1 course; 3 credits)

  5. Electives (6 courses; 18 credits)* which may include an optional Thesis (3 credits), Honors Thesis (6 credits), 或者,如果学生符合资格,则应获得学院论文学者(12学分).**

    其他学科(包括第一专业)的2门课程/6个学分也可以计入神学专业或高级神学专业, 但须有足够的神学相关性,并由本科教务主任确定.
    ** Thesis Guidelines

Requirements with PULSE or Perspectives Core

  1. Theology Core (2 courses; 6 credits): Students must fulfill their normal Theology Core requirements with:
    • THEO 1088-1089人与社会责任I和II (PULSE)
    • THEO 1090-1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and II
  2. Scripture Sequence (2 courses; 6 credits):
    • THEO1420 The Everlasting Covenant: The Hebrew Bible
    • THEO1421 Inscribing the Word: The New Testament
      Alternatively, 学生可以完成THEO1422神圣的一页:圣经和额外的圣经选修(II级或以上)与本科主任的批准.
  3. Majors Course: THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions (1 course; 3 credits)

  4. Majors Course: THEO2002 Trajectories in Contemporary Theology (1 course; 3 credits)

  5. Comparative Theology Elective (1 course; 3 credits)

  6. Electives (5 courses; 15 credits)* which may include an optional Thesis (3 credits), Honors Thesis (6 credits), 或者,如果学生符合资格,则应获得学院论文学者(12学分).

    *其他学科(包括第一专业)的2门课程/6个学分也可以计入神学专业或高级神学专业, 但须有足够的神学相关性,并由本科教务主任确定.
    ** Thesis Guidelines


鉴于荣誉神学专业的变化将于2022年秋季开始生效,并且以前的必修课程(THEO3577 Conciliar传统和THEO3330专业研讨会)将不再提供, 在2022年秋季之前开始该专业的学生应注意以下指导:

  1. 既没有完成THEO3577 Conciliar Traditions课程也没有完成THEO3330 Majors Seminar课程的学生 是否需要完成THEO2001传统与传统和THEO2002当代神学轨迹才能完成神学专业的毕业.
  2. 已经修完THEO3577 Conciliar Traditions和THEO3330 Majors Seminar的学生 不需要完成THEO2001传统与传统或THEO2002当代神学的轨迹. 此外,这些学生不能参加THEO2001选修学分.
  3. As a general, but imperfect, 神学专业学分实现指南, 考虑THEO3577 Conciliar Traditions≈THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions, 和THEO3330专业研讨会≈THEO2002当代神学轨迹. Thus:
    • 修过THEO3577 Conciliar Traditions课程但未修过THEO3330 Majors Seminar课程的学生 will not need to complete THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions, 也不能选修THEO2001传统与传统课程. But such students must 完成THEO2002当代神学轨迹(除非获得本科电子游戏正规平台主任的许可).
    • 修完THEO3330专业研讨会但未修完THEO3577学术传统课程的学生 不需要完成THEO2002当代神学轨迹. But such students must complete THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions.
