Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学

The Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学 was founded in 1978 by Professor Robert Hahn at Brandeis University under the name of "The Greater Boston Colloquium for Ancient 哲学." Initially it was a loose coalition of three or four universities in the Boston area that each sponsored lectures in the series. Visiting global scholars delivered impromptu lectures on topics of interest to local philosophers and classicists.

The Proceedings publishes both papers and commentaries, so as to capture the dialogical spirit that characterizes the meetings of the Boston Area Colloquium. The authors are encouraged to revise their presentations in the light of discussion, and their papers are sent to external referees for peer review. Although the BACAP Proceedings contains only papers invited for presentation to the Colloquium, publication is not guaranteed and every author must submit to peer review

自1985年成立以来, the BACAP Proceedings has been prepared in the form of camera-ready copy in the 哲学 department at BX with financial support being provided exclusively by the University. Each volume up to and including volume 12 had been published through a co-publication agreement with University Press of America, 台北(MD). From volume 13 onwards the series has been and will continue to be published by E.J. 荷兰莱顿的布里尔. Copies of the Proceedings can be ordered directly from the publishers, except for volumes one and two which are now out of print. A limited number of back-issues are available from our BACAP address at BC. 


  • 29 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, Vol XXIX (2013) 编辑:加里·米. Gurtler,年代.J. & 威廉Wians
  • 28 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第二十八卷(2012). Gurtler,年代.J. & 威廉Wians
  • 27 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第二十七卷(2011)编. Gurtler,年代.J. & 威廉Wians
  • 26 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, Vol XXVI (2010) 编辑:加里·米. Gurtler,年代.J. & 威廉Wians
  • 25 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, Vol. XXV(2009)编辑:加里·米. Gurtler,年代.J. & 威廉Wians.
  • 24 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, Vol. 《电子游戏软件》(2008. 佳利律师事务所 & 加里·米. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 23 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, Vol. XXIII (2007), John J主编. 佳利律师事务所 & 加里·米. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 22 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第22卷(2006)约翰J编辑. 佳利律师事务所 & 加里·米. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 21 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 卷二十一(2005)编辑约翰J. 佳利律师事务所 & 加里·米. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 20 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第XX卷(2004年)由约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 19 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第十九卷(2003)由约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 18 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第十八卷(2002年)由约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 17 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第十七卷(2001)由约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtle,年代.J.
  • 16 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第十六卷(2000年)由约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 15 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第十五卷(1999)由约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 14 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第十四卷(1998)由约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtler,年代.J.
  • 13 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient 哲学, 第十三卷(1997)约翰J编辑. 克利里和加里. Gurtler,年代.J.



Administration of the whole program was located at BC because John 佳利律师事务所 was the Director of BACAP. He was also the founding editor of the series of Proceedings, and edited the first three volumes as sole editor, 和第七卷一起. Dan Shartin served as co-editor for volumes four to six, while 威廉Wians served as co-editor for volumes eight through 12. Gary Gurtler,年代.J. has been the co-editor for volumes 13 and 14 and onwards along with John 佳利律师事务所 as general editor.


Colloquium underwent a 'sea-change' with an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities of substantial funding over a three-year period for the so-called 'Greater Boston Project'. The proposal was written by John 佳利律师事务所 and funded by the Division of Education at the NEH for the purpose of promoting undergraduate education in classics and ancient philosophy through lectures, seminars and class visits by leading international scholars in the field. Since the primary purpose of the project was the promotion of education rather than scholarship, the NEH did not provide any money for scholarly publications. But the Academic Vice President at 电子游戏软件 generously provided funding for the publication of Proceedings, which have been published annually since 1985.


From 1983 to 1988 the administration of the whole program was located at BC because John 佳利律师事务所 was the Director of BACAP. He was also the founding editor of the series of Proceedings, and edited the first three volumes as sole editor, 和第七卷一起. Dan Shartin served as co-editor for volumes four to six, while 威廉Wians served as co-editor for volumes eight through 12. Gary Gurtler,年代.J. has been the co-editor for volumes 13 and 14 and onwards along with John 佳利律师事务所 as general editor.



Gary Gurtler,年代.J.



