

愿景: To create a society where emerging adults from marginalized populations are free from racism-based trauma and where diversity and inclusion are celebrated and promoted.

使命: Our mission is to be a leading think tank that conducts research, 政策变革的倡导者, and provides resources and support to address racism-based trauma experienced by emerging adults from marginalized populations. 通过合作, 教育, 和赋权, 我们努力带来治愈, 正义, 以及持久的社会变革.

目标: Our goal is to generate knowledge and understanding of the impact of racism-based trauma on emerging adults from marginalized populations. 通过开展跨学科电子游戏正规平台, 我们的目标是找出根本原因, 表现, 以及这种创伤的后果. We aim to provide evidence-based recommendations and solutions to policymakers, 组织, and communities to prevent and mitigate racism-based trauma among emerging adults. 另外, 我们的目标是创造一个对话平台, 宣传, 并通过与个人密切合作来提供支持, 社区领袖, and stakeholders to develop inclusive initiatives and resources that foster resilience, 赋权, 并治愈那些受到种族主义创伤影响的人. 通过我们的共同努力, we aspire to create a society where emerging adults from marginalized populations thrive and reach their full potential, 不管他们的背景或种族.