red cross and hands with gold background

Mental & Behavioral Health Think Tank

Vision: 创造一个优先考虑新成人心理和行为健康的世界, destigmatized, and supported with comprehensive and practical solutions, enabling every emerging adult to thrive and reach their full potential."

Mission: The Mental and Behavioral Health Think Tank is committed to researching, developing, 提倡以证据为基础的策略,有效改善新兴成年人的心理和行为健康. Through collaboration with experts, communities, and policymakers, we aim to reduce barriers to access, enhance support systems, and foster a culture of understanding and compassion, 确保心理和行为健康成为迈向成年之旅的一个组成部分.

Goal: 我们的主要目标是显著提高新成人的心理和行为健康结果. By conducting groundbreaking research, promoting awareness, and driving policy changes, we seek to remove the stigma surrounding mental and behavioral health, increase access to affordable and effective treatments, 并提供实用的工具和资源,使初出茅庐的成年人能够应对他们面临的挑战. Through our collective efforts, 我们设想一个积极解决心理和行为健康问题的未来,fostering a generation of resilient and flourishing emerging adults.